Knowing the Enemy: Health Issues People Should Care About More

old man with problems - Knowing the Enemy: Health Issues People Should Care About More

Life is often unpredictable. We may think that we are fine but can end up at the mercy of certain health issues that people like to ignore. We want to cast a light on some of these issues. After all, knowing about the problem is one of the best ways to avoid it.

Here are a few health issues that people should care more about:

Mental Health

People do not like talking about their mental health problems. This is due to the stigma that has surrounded the concept since the early days of psychology. Most people and their families like to portray that they are nothing but a perfectly health and happy family. This is still true today despite all the evidence to the contrary.

More people must care about mental health issues so that people can get the help that they need.


With the concept of body shaming, there has been a staggering rise of people who no longer try to attain a healthy weight. Instead, they get bigger and bigger and proclaim that they are “healthy” and “happy”. Tess Holliday is one such example.

She isn’t just advocating self-love. She is teaching people that it is okay to be morbidly obese and that loving yourself is more important than trying to actively avoid all the health complications that can be fully avoided with proper exercise and nutrition. People need to care about their weight because it can literally save their lives.


Addiction is a crippling affliction that does not just affect the addict. It affects family, friends, and co-workers—basically everyone. Addiction, like gambling addiction, must be taken head-on and treated if people are ever going to get better.

We must stop demonizing addicts and start actually caring about them as people. We also need to stop making online gambling so accessible, while we’re at it. Online casinos can really open the floodgate to addiction.

What other issues do you feel people should care about more? Let us know.

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From Visually.